Showing 1-10 of 40 results
- P. Romanowski (Editor) (2025) Cambridge Handbook of Multilingual Education. Cambridge University Press
- Dazai Hokuto (2024) Behavioral Economics for Teenagers. Natsume-sha
- Tadashi SAKAMOTO, Tanomu KASHIMA (2024) Text Book for Government Certification as Japanese Teacher 1. Link Academy
- Misako Ikeda (2024) Actualities of the "Arab Spring". Yamakawa Publishing Company
- Tadashi SAKAMOTO, Tanomu KASHIMA (2024) Text Book for Government Certification as Japanese Teacher 2. Link Academy
- Soocheol Lee, Weisheng Zhou, Kiyoshi Fujikawa (2023) Nuclear Power Safety and Governance in East Asia. Routledge
- Xinyang Wei, Yu-Ling Hsiao and Ni Sheng (2023) Prospects for Energy Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries. China Financial & Economic Publishing House
- Yu-Ling Hsiao, Xinyang Wei and Ni Sheng (2023) Theory and Application of Energy Policy Contagion Models. China Financial & Economic Publishing House
- Cai Meihua (2023) Huxiang Culture and East Asia. Jiuzhou Chubanshe
- Misako Ikeda (2023) The 1923 Constitution of Egypt: A Translation. The Toyo Bunko
- Yu Minhao (2023) The advent of foreign ethnic enclaves in China`s big cities:The cases of Shanghai and Beijing. koyoshobo
- Yu Minhao (2023) China in Real Life: People's Hopes and Fears. Koyo Shobo
- Masato Takiura & Michi Shiina (eds.) Authors: Masahiko Abe, Seiko Otsuka, Ami Sato, Michi Shiina, Masato Takiura, Junji Nishio, Saeko Fukushima, Ryogo Yanagida (2023) Im/politeness. Hituzi Syobo Publishing
- Xinyang Wei (2022) Study on Macao's Population and Economic Development Strategy. The Macanese Publishing LTD (Book Chapter)
- Lee Zao・Lee Soonhyeong・Lee Hyunjung・Lee・Jeonghee・Daniel Long・Hideharu Isono (2022) The Linguistic Landscapes of Korea and Japan Using Metadata. Kyungpook National University, Center for Japanese Studies
- Yoshifumi sato, Tomohiro Kanno, Akane Oishi, Makie Yukawa, Takumi Mori, Masahiro Koga (2022) An Era of Collapse and Reconstruction: Japanese Diaries from Postwar Manchuria. Toho Shoten
- Hokuto Dazai (2022) Introductory of Behavioral Economics. WANI BOOKS
- Naoko Nemoto, Lian Liu (2022) Strengthening Environmental, Social, and Governance Investment Under COVID-19. Asian Development Bank Institute
- Masahiro Koga (2021) Language Use of Japanese Residents in Former Colonies and Other Areas. Hitsuji Shobo
- Masamichi Ishii (2021) Strategic Management of Discontinuous Innovation. HAKUTO-SHOBO publishing company
- Yasuhiko Sukegawa・Yutaka Hukihara・Mahiru Matsuzaki・Hideharu Isono (2021) A Study of the Migrant Worker Communities in Korea. Hankookmunhwasa
- Lu, Changrong (2021) Japan's ASEAN + 3 regional finance and cooperation policy: new finance and geopolitics in East Asia. Hakuronn Sya
- Eigi Nagawasa, Mina Hattori, Yasuko Kobayashi (2020) Education and Empowerment (Islam Gender Studies 3). Akasi Shoten
- Fei Chen; Ying-kit Chan (2020) Alternative Representations of the Past: The Politics of History in Modern China. De Gruyter Oldenbourg
- Tadashi Suzuki ed (2020) Dictionary on Culture in the Middle East and the Orient. Maurezen Publishing
- Hideharu Isono (2020) Learning Japanese Language through Linguistic Landscapes. TAISHUKAN Publishing
- Ian Clark, Niculina Nae, Masahiro Arimoto (2020) Education for Sustainable Development and the 'Whole-Person' Curriculum in Japan. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford University Press
- Asai Takuya (2020) A Textbook for Childcare Support Staff. Ichigeisha
- Sunhee Yoon・Hideharu Isono (2020) Workbook for New JLPT N1 Reading. Dongyang Books
- KwonHyangsuk,MiyajimaMika (2020) Korean Chinese Migration and East Asia: Research on the Trajectory of Former International Students in Japan. Sairyusha
- Sato Ryo, Kanno Tomohiro, and Yukawa Makie (Eds.), with contributions by Ando Kyoko, Iikura Erii, Yin Guohua, Ohishi Akane, Ohno Junya, Koga Masahiro, Sato Yoshifumi, Motojima Kazuto, Mori Takumi, Yasuoka Kenichi, and Lin Chih-hung (2020) Memories of Manchuria in Postwar Japan. Toho-Shoten
- Takashi Misumi, Tsutomu Chano, Yukihiro Yasuda (2020) Corporate Governance of Japanese Companies. CHUOKEIZAI-SHA
- Usami Mayumi (2020) Pragmatic Approaches to the Analysis of Spontaneous Conversations: Based on the BTSJ Natural Conversation Corpus. Hitsuji Shobo
- Supervised by Fumihiko Yano, Tomokazu Arita, Yuko Yamamoto, Shiho Yoshino (2019) Information Literacy Textbook. Ohmsha
- Sunhee Yoon・Hideharu Isono (2019) Workbook for New JLPT N2 Reading. Dongyang Books
- Kajima Institute of International Peace, PHP Insituite (2019) New Vision of Japan-How to Make a Society in the Era of Conflicts. PHP Instititute, Inc.
- Masamichi Yamamoto (2019) Introduction to US Securities Regulation (Rev. ed.). Daiichi Hoki
- Junich Nishimura & Mari Hirano (2019) Psychology of Lifelong Development. Nakanishiya Publishing
- Wataru Kurihara, Teppei Sekimizu, Takatoshi Ooguroya (2019) Possibilities of Sociology of Knowledge. Gakubunsha
- Daniel Long・Seiichi Nakai・Soonhyeong Lee (2019) linguistic Landscapes in the Production of Urban Spaces. Jungmun Publishing Company