First Case Method Workshop for Undergraduate Education (English/Japanese)

On Wednesday, July 27, 2022, Nagoya University of Commerce and Business (NUCB) held the "2022 Case Method Workshop" at the Nisshin Campus. Our School has been implementing "participant-centered education" by placing the case method at the core of our teaching methods in all undergraduate and graduate classes to provide world-standard leadership development.

The Case Method Workshop (Chair: Prof. Shinichi Takeuchi) is a faculty development session to upgrade management education. In this workshop, participants discussed how to develop participant-centered education using the case method at the undergraduate level, and exchanged opinions for the development of original case materials and grading methods.

The workshop is held twice a year, in spring (April) and summer (July), with approximately 100 faculty members participating. The sessions included mock classes using cases, lecture outlines, preparation of case materials, and exchanges of opinions for the management of in-class discussions.

About the Case Method

The case method was created at Harvard Business School in 1921 and is used by institutions of higher education around-the-world. Learning through the case method is an "inquiry-based learning," in which students relive the decision-making process by proactively considering the complex situation of the protagonist using a case. The goal of this teaching method is not to study the case itself, but to enhance one's attitude as a leader through repeated reflection.