International Programs


International Programs' Scholarship

NUCB Undergraduate School regularly sends students abroad to encourage self-development and internationality based on the following rationale: ‘The time when students used to spend their student life in 1 country, studying in 1 language and in 1 campus is over.’ The reality in today’s world is that one is unable to grasp the essence by just staying in their country of origin. However, facing this existence and knowing the current situation of this world by going abroad will enable you to expand your perspectives and mindset by learning new cultures and values.

In order to support the students and to alleviate some of the incurred costs, NUCB Undergraduate School offers scholarships to students who successfully pass all the requirements.

Outgoing Programs

International Exchange & Double Degree Programs

Scholarship Airfare - round trip (up to 150,000 JPY, economy class arranged by the school)
Requirements GPA of 2.4 (2.6 for Double Degree) or higher, attendance rate of 95% or higher.

*Under the partnership agreement, students will only pay their regular tuition fees at NUCB Undergraduate School and are exempted from paying the tuition fee at the partner school.

Summer Program & Winter Program

Scholarship A ・Tuition fee of the partner school’s summer program (up to 100,000 JPY)
・Airfare - round trip (up to 150,000 JPY, economy class arranged by the school)
Requirements GPA of 2.7 or higher, attendance rate of 95% or higher.
Scholarship B ・Tuition fee of the partner school’s summer program (up to 50,000 JPY)
・Airfare - round trip (up to 150,000 JPY, economy class arranged by the school)
Requirements GPA of 2.2 or higher, attendance rate of 95% or higher.

*Tuition fees of the summer program will differ depending on the partner school. Summer programs' tuition fees will be exempted for certain partner schools depending on the partnership agreement; in which case, students will not receive the scholarship for the tuition fees.

TOEFL iBT test scholarship

Scholarship 15,000 JPY for TOEFL iBT test fee
Eligibility TOEFL iBT test takers
Requirements GPA of 2.0 or higher, attendance rate of 95% or higher. Only once for the tests held in March, June, September, and December

* TOEFL iBT: Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test
A test that measures the English proficiency of people whose native language is not English. Currently, more than 5,000 universities in the world require TOEFL scores from non-native English applicants, as well as various government agencies and for scholarships.

Language Program, Gap Year Program, Global Field Study Program and Volunteer Projects have their own respective scholarships, and further details can be found in the corresponding pages.

Incoming Programs

International Exchange & Double Degree Programs

NUCB Undergraduate School allocates a limited number of NUCB Housing Scholarships (10,000 JPY - 30,000 JPY) based on the student’s academic transcripts, GPA, resume, and cover letter.