Accreditation means that the university has met and maintained the highest standards in higher education business school quality and performance—that we are committed to offering the best in business education. It means that your degree is worth more as you enter the marketplace. When you are researching business colleges, one of your first questions should be if the institution has AACSB accreditation.
Top 5% Worldwide
There are 845 business institutions in 56 countries and territories that have earned AACSB Accreditation. That means that less than 5 percent of the more than 16,000 schools worldwide granting business degrees have earned AACSB Accreditation. AACSB-accredited schools have better programs, better faculty, better students with higher overall GPAs, more international students, more employers that recruit from them, and graduates that receive better salaries. Click here to find out why an investment in an AACSB accredited school pays off.
AACSB International
Established in 1916, AACSB is the world’s largest global business education network, connecting educational institutions and businesses to develop exceptional global leaders. NUCB was the first accredited AACSB undergraduate institution in Japan. NUCB achieved accreditation of its undergraduate and graduate programs in 2006 and successfully maintained it to date. In order to earn and sustain business accreditation, NUCB must align with a set of 15 business accreditation standards that focus on mission and strategic management; support for students, faculty, and staff; learning and teaching; and academic and professional engagement of students and faculty.
Japan University Accreditation Association
NUCB Undergraduate School has been accredited by the Japan University Accreditation Association (JUAA) after meeting its evaluation standards. As a result of the revision of the School Education Law, starting in 2004, universities are required to undergo an evaluation by a university evaluation organization certified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) once every seven years regarding the overall status of education and research, organizational management, and facilities and equipment.
International Network
AAPBS - Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools
Recognizing the importance of regional strength and forming a collective for the mutual ascension of the reputation and awareness of Asia-Pacific Business Schools, NUCB is a member of the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS). The founding President, Professor Sung Joo Park, Dean Emeritus of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has played a personal role as a visiting professor and direct advisor for the development of our graduate school programs. Although the majority of member schools sharing best practices and know-how at annual conferences are based in the Asia-Pacific region, there are also a number of European, Latin American, and North American institutions taking part as affiliate, associate, or corporate members.
PIM - Partnership in International Management
Nagoya University of Commerce & Business is a proud member of the UK-based BGA (The Business Graduates Association). 130 top business schools from 38 countries around the world are listed as members and only 2 schools from Japan. The main purpose of the BGA is to bring about a global impact through the network of BGA members, especially in the fields of "responsible management" and "lifelong learning". BGA is one of the three major business school international certification bodies in the world.
BGA - Business Graduates Association
NUCB is the 68th member of the PIM network (Partnership in International Management), which is a consortium of leading international business schools founded in 1973 by the École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), New York University (NYU), and London Business School (LBS) as a cooperative effort to overcome academic and institutional barriers to exchange activities. PIM is known as a network to which, in principle, only one representative university per country is invited, and the very top business schools are listed, allowing exchange programs and collaborative research among member schools.
THE World University Rankings - Japan Edition
In the 2023 rankings, NUCB Undergraduate School has been ranked the best private university offering business degrees in the Tokai-Hokuriku region of Japan by Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE) for their "Environment" pillar. This pillar looks at the make-up of the student and staff body, helping students to determine whether they will find themselves in a diverse, supportive and inclusive university environment.
University ranking 2023 - Asahi Newspaper
In the “University Rankings 2023 Edition” published by Asahi Shimbun, NUCB Undergraduate school received high evaluations from high schools, ranking first in the Tokai region for both "universities that take care of others" and "universities that are small but highly valued." The Asahi Newspaper University Rankings evaluate universities based on surveys from high schools nationwide.
University Search Ranking Book 2022
NUCB Undergraduate School was highly ranked based on evaluation from high school teachers across the nation. The survey conducted in December 2021, was given to guidance teachers from all 857 high schools across the country. In the "University Rankings 2022 Edition" published by the University Press, NUCB Undergraduate School ranked 1st in three categories for private universities in the Tokai area. Those categories were for good student support, high education level, and a university that improves students' ability after enrollment through to graduation.
NUCB Business School, Graduate School of Management

NUCB Business School's MBA is the only program in Japan to have earned all three major international accreditations for management schools (AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA) and has consistently been ranked first in Japan by QS and FT, the world's top MBA rankings.
Master in Management
QS Business Master Ranking
# 7 in Asia
QS Global MBA Ranking
# 17 in Asia
Executive MBA
QS Global EMBA Ranking
# 15 in Asia