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Media Coverage

The following are newspaper articles and tv news programs related to NUCB Undergraduate School and its faculty members.  

Issue date Newspaper / Media Article Faculty / PiC
March 12, 2022 Nihon Keizai Shimbun NUCB, new course next spring. Live delivery of lessons Nagoya University of Commerce
March 1, 2022 Tokai TV News One Online entrance exam for university entrance exams Nagoya University of Commerce
December 14, 2021 Chunichi Shimbun Held the 1st Business Plan Contest Nagoya University of Commerce
November 30, 2021 Nihon Keizai Shimbun Koyusho "Leader and Education" President Hiroyuki Kurimoto President Hiroyuki Kurimoto
October 15, 2021 Chunichi Shimbun Local study at SDGs Ena, a student of NUCB Graduate School of Management Nagoya University of Commerce Graduate School of Business
October 9, 2021 Mainichi Shimbun Obtained triple international certification NUCB Graduate School of Management, the first in a domestic university Nagoya University of Commerce Graduate School of Business
September 14, 2021 Nihon Keizai Shimbun Data science education spread at central universities Nagoya University of Commerce
August 2, 2021 Chunichi Shimbun Web Ask a master Nagoya University of Commerce Semi-rigid baseball club
February 17, 2021 Nihon Keizai Shimbun Struggling with remote exams and grade evaluation during COVID-19
November 10, 2020 NHK Nagoya [Special feature] College students are affected by the spread of infection
June 16, 2020 Asahi Shimbun How do you get your grades in online classes? 
June 12, 2020 Nihon Keizai Shimbun "remote examination"
May 13, 2020 Nihon Keizai Shimbun Online lessons, "two-way" discussions
07 June 2019 Nikkei Business The popular theory of efficient management is "friendly" to people? Faculty of Commerce, Dazai Hokuto
19 February 2019  Nikkei MBA-styled growth at Nagoya University of Commerce (@Campus Chubu) Nagoya Campus
14 November 2017 Quick Money World Customer-oriented securities sales, what is "goal-based asset management"? Faculty of Economics, Seiichiro Iwasawa
07 November 2017 TV TOKYO News Morning Satellite [Professional Eye] Is US financial deregulation going on? Mosate Today's bonus “Mr. Monex Securities (Nagoya University of Commerce) Nana Otsuki” Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
30 October 2017 Toyo Keizai ONLINE Is the Third Apaman Boom Ending Early? Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
28 September 2017 TV TOKYO News Morning Satellite 【Professional Eyes】 What are the challenges for fintech investment that are becoming more active? , Mosate Today's bonus "Mr. Monex Securities (Nagoya University of Commerce) Nana Otsuki" Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
20 September 2017 Quick Money World 1 hour sleep? sleeping bag? Mr. Otsuki, working as an analyst is difficult. Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
28 August 2017 Toyo Keizai ONLINE New regulation "killing power" to eliminate securities analysts Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
26 June 2017 Business and Financial News (Jiji Press) Changing Bank Stores Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
21 February 2017 TV TOKYO News Morning Satellite [Professional Eye] US Whereabouts of Financial Deregulation, Mosate Today's bonus “Monex Securities (Nagoya University of Commerce) Nana Otsuki” Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
13 February 2017 Toyo Keizai ONLINE Banks have already turned into "consumer finance" Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
25 January 2017 TV TOKYO News Morning Satellite [Professional Eye] Is the World Real Estate Boom Ending? ”, Mosate Today's bonus“ Mr. Monex Securities (Nagoya University of Commerce) Nana Otsuki ” Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
19 January 2017 Nikkei Digital Marketing The closer companies and universities are to Japan Faculty of Commerce, Takashi Yamaoka
17 January 2017 Nikkei Crossroads "Cyber security measures are a lifeline" Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
13 January 2017 Asahi Shinbun VS. Ron Yas's strategy "Cooperation between Soviet Union and Evolution of Relationship" Faculty of Economics, Shingo Yoshida
05 January 2017 BS Nippon Corporation Deep News “# 832 Stock price / yen low price? The dead spot in Trump's market is bold predictions by former financial officers” Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
07 December 2016 Toyo Keizai ONLINE Super easy! Clearing technique to be released from "pile of documents" With a change of idea, "new storage method"! Faculty of Business, Ryusuke Koyama
05 December 2016 Nikkei US interest rate skyrocketing, headwind in Japanese banks, expected Trump market aftermath, expanding dollar funding costs, highest level since Lehman. Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki
October 2016 Nikkei Top Leader Special report Schools that can be managed by family members "In Europe and the United States, the interaction between managers is attractive. NUCB Business School
22 February 2016 Business and Financial News (Jiji Press) The impact of "negative interest rates" on us Faculty of Economics, Nana Otsuki