Student Support


NUCB Undergraduate School has over 900 rooms available for students. The majority of the rooms are single occupancy, furnished with cooking facilities and a shower located in the room. Monthly rent for the private rooms ranges from 24,500 to 34,000 JPY and is within walking or cycling distance to school.


The total tuition for all years of study is 4,724,000  JPY (Excludes 270,000 JPY One-Time Entrance Fee) for those who do not receive a tuition reduction scholarship.


We have numerous scholarships available; application based, merit-based, and study abroad as well as JASSO honor scholarships.


NUCB Undergraduate School has a complete student support network to assist students' university life. We have established a system for information disclosure, contact survey and improvement, health management, student consultation, etc. In addition, the procedures for issuing certificates of enrollment and transcripts are also posted.

Academic Support

Life Support

Certificate Issuance