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  4. Partner School Presentation Day 2023

Partner School Presentation Day 2023

University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)

On Friday, June 30, NUCB's International Affairs hosted the Partner School Presentation Day. This event featured a range of presentations from students who represented their home institutions, including Universitas Gadjah Mada, ESCA School of Management, University of St.Gallen, Ivey Business School, University of Alberta, along with a digital contribution from Alma University.

The presentations provided important information and insights about these universities. They highlighted aspects such as campus life, academic programs, and the unique experiences of studying abroad. This information proved to be very useful for the attending GBBA and Japanese students who are considering participating in exchange programs. Furthermore, everyone engaged in meaningful discussions about the prospect of studying abroad, making it easier for them to make informed decisions about their future academic paths.

This event underlines our ongoing commitment to fostering an understanding and appreciation of global academic opportunities among students. Students were able to gain a better understanding of the opportunities available to them at NUCB Undergraduate Schools' partner universities.

NUCB's Global Campus: Fostering Success through Global Partnerships

NUCB has built a robust international network with distinguished business schools worldwide, creating what we call our 'Global Campus'. The aim is to nurture business leaders poised for success in our fast-paced, globalizing world. These top universities serve as ideal overseas study locations, and with our partnership agreements, their tuition fees are waived. The only fee you need to concern yourself with is your regular tuition at our university.

PIM Network

NUCB is the 68th member of the PIM network (Partnership in International Management): a consortium of leading international business schools founded in 1973 by École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), New York University (NYU), and London Business School (LBS) as a cooperative effort to overcome academic and institutional barriers to exchange activities. PIM sets itself apart as a unique network that, as a rule, invites just one top-tier university from each country to join. It serves as a renowned hub of the world's leading business schools, fostering the growth of international collaboration among its members. This mutual cooperation is reflected through combined programs, the exchange of students and faculty members, joint research ventures, and shared initiatives among teaching staff and researchers.