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  5. 光陵女子短期大学研究紀要
  6. Cross Culture
  7. No. 8(1990)

No. 8(1990)

Cross Culture
table of contents
Research paper DH Lawrence's "Kangaroo" -On its technique and subject- Katsuhisa Ishikawa (1)
A Case Study of Japanese Boy's Preference-From the Iga Seibu Toya Festival Survey Report- Ikko Sakamoto (17)
Philosophy and Historical Experiment of Integrated Basin Development-Integration of TVA Development and Actual Condition of Electric Power Business Decentralization- Futami Mami (37)
On the Song "Tamano" -Manyo, Kokon, Shinkokin- Kyoji Hitomi (87)
A Study of a Two-Year-Old's Engagement in Effective Conversation Yasuko Otake (107)
Manipulating Images of Women in the Islamization in Pakistan (1977-1988) Hisae Nakanishi (137)
Visiting the tomb of Emperor Arunzeb-A retrospect of his life- Toshiro Naya (153)
A Study of the Concept of Internationalization-Based on Plato's Human Theory- Noriyuki Yamai (177)
How the Great Tokyo Air Raid Was Endured (4) Masami Wada (236)
Research notes Korean Boy's Preference from the View of Child-rearing Statistics-Introduction of Material and its Effectiveness as a Social Analysis Index- Ikko Sakamoto (237)
On a poem by Ryunosuke Akutagawa Masami Wada (266)