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  5. 光陵女子短期大学研究紀要
  6. Cross Culture
  7. No. 9(1991)

No. 9(1991)

table of contents
Research paper Writing and Word Processing Yasuko Otake (1)
An ecological model for English language syllabus specification and materials evaluation Vivien Berry (twenty three)
Japanese Scientific and Technological Output: A Structural and Social Organizational Approach Kay Ivers-Clark (41)
Understanding the Process of the Intellectual Development of College Students and Applying it to Teaching Scott G. South (63)
The Effects of Cultural Influences on the Outcomes of Interstate Conflicts Terri R. Lituchy & Susan J. Winter (91)
Phenomena and essence in economics (2) -Fundamental problems of economics- Junsaburo Takahashi (111)
Progress of TVA development and fluctuation of regional disparities within the basin-Focusing on population change- Futami Mami (135)
A Study of "Winged Snake" -On Kate's Mental Conflict- Katsuhisa Ishikawa (187)
An Essay on Santul Stringing-In the Case of Bayate Isfahan- Junko Sakata (207)
Trip of two scenic monks Toshiro Naya (245)
Research notes Reasons and Backgrounds for Girl's Preference-Focusing on Ethnographic and Statistical Survey (Japan) Materials- Ikko Sakamoto (269)
Book review Japanese Immigration Prior to World War II Brian Masaru Hayashi (287)
Research paper Two Whores- "Fat Mass" and "Clementine"- Masami Wada (295)
How the Great Tokyo Air Raid Was Endured (5) Masami Wada (313)