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  5. 光陵女子短期大学研究紀要
  6. Cross Culture
  7. No. 12(1994)

No. 12(1994)

Cross Culture
table of contents
Research paper Gender Differences in Education -Focusing on the Actual Conditions of Nagoya City- Tsukada Fujie (1)
An Essay on Santul Stringing-Chahalga-In the Case of Law- Junko Sakata (35)
Exoticism as seen in Ravel's collection of songs "Sheherazade" Junko Sakata (61)
On the relationship between the Nambokucho and Yuzakiza (Kanze School) Toshiro Naya (83)
Naburu Girl-Two Alice Story- Katsuhisa Ishikawa (105)
Psychological space of "Sonet Collection" Katsuhisa Ishikawa (127)
Establishment of NAFTA and expansion of neo-frontier Futami Mami (145)
Origin of the US-Japan War from the Viewpoint of Oil Supply-Transition of Coal to Oil as a Major Ship- Yoshiaki Katata (191)
The establishment of the wartime economic planning system from the viewpoint of the decline of agriculture and the rise of conglomerates-On the ideological adaptation measures to the cost of modernization of Japan- Yoshiaki Katata (207)
Trends and Challenges of International Payment Systems Yu Kurihara (227)
Financial liberalization / internationalization and monetary policy Yu Kurihara (241)
The Father Role as Viewed by Mothers of Japanese Junior College Women David W. Shwalb (253)
Three Representative Masterpieces of Early Chinese Landscape Painting PA Herbert (273)
"Islamic Fundamentalism" and Women in the Middle East: A Study from Iran Hisae Nakanishi (293)
NP GA and NP WA as Existential Propositions Yasumi Gee (319)
Minds and Machines. How different are they? Cross-linguistic differences in Speech Perception Ann Partington (381)
Styles of Self-presentation in Japan: Notes on Theatricality, Sociality, and Subjectivity Brian McVeigh (431)
The Satsuma Zaibatsu Thomas Schalow (477)
Research notes Notes on the Gattegno Learning Materials and their Application to the Teaching of Writing T. Uemura (501)
Katakana in Japanese / Japanese English-Predicting the future- Gee Yasumi (509)
On the transcription of classical works-From recent newspaper articles- Kyoji Hitomi (519)