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  5. 光陵女子短期大学研究紀要
  6. Cross Culture
  7. No. 17(1999)

No. 17(1999)

Cross Culture
table of contents
Research paper Method of Economics (3) -Examination of "Method of Capital Theory" by Katsuhiko Matsuishi- Junsaburo Takahashi (1)
Read DH Lawrence's "The Mosquito" -Between Modern and Postmodern- Katsuhisa Ishikawa (twenty five)
About the relationship between "Pansy" and "Mrs. Chalethai's lover" Katsuhisa Ishikawa (49)
Demographic Change and Educational Reform in Texas, USA -Background and Focus of Reform Policy in the 1990s- Tsukada Fujie (69)
An Intercultural Inquiry- A Case Study of English Language Learning in China- Anne Meadows (95)
1980s America and Irvine Lunch Yoshiaki Katata (119)
Monetary Independence in the ERM Countries Yu Kurihara (137)
Research notes Toward Mutual Understanding Among Civilizations Hisae Nakanishi (153)
The Optimum Currency Area for APEC Yu Kurihara (159)
Research paper A Study on "Furukara no" -On the Part of the Enjoyment of the Kokinshu 886 No. Kyoji Hitomi (178)