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  7. Vol.4 No.2(March. 1998)

Vol.4 No.2(March. 1998)

Journal of Communication and International Studies
Essays Presentation and Effectiveness of Articulatory Phonetics in English Language Instruction: a Case Study (in Japanese) Yukiko Jolly (1)
Code Choice and Genre Constraint: A Study of Hong Kong Students' Language Attitudes Andrew J. Moody (15)
Construction of the Internet in China Jian Zhao (31)
Directed Motion in Second Language Pronunciation Instruction William Acton (47)
From Orality to the Electronic Book: Teaching the Sociology of Texts Bryan Coleborne (65)
John Locke: An Early - Modern Analyst of Language Nalini Jain (73)
On FO = ATR Hypothesis Keiichiro Suzuki (81)
Second Language Acquisition Theories: Overview and Evaluation Christina Gitsaki (89)
Specific Language Impairment: Neurological and Linguistic Manifestations Suzy E. Fukuda &Shinji Fukuda &Noor J. Kabani (99)
The Negotiative Nature of Classroom Management Rosemary Khoo (117)
The Internet as Teaching Tool and Virtual Environment Gert Michael Buresch (131)