Academic Programs

BSc in Commerce

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  2. Degree Programs BBA/BSc/BA
  3. Commerce
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  5. 山岡 隆志
  6. The 18 Principles of Customer Advocacy

The 18 Principles of Customer Advocacy

The 18 Principles of Customer Advocacy

The 18 Principles of Customer Advocacy

Explain the ultimate marketing that builds a relationship of trust with customers

MarkeZine was selected as "100 books + α that digital marketers should read" (October 2012, Shoeisha).

I hope that people who live honestly will benefit in the end.
I would like to see a company that operates honestly wins at the end.
I believe that advocacy philosophy is born in the United States but grows better in Japan, an old and new way of thinking. It focuses on the roots of human relationships and rethinks what marketing should look like, where a company that is open to business can make a lot of money.