International Dormitories and Residence Assistants
Since March, our International Affairs team and Residence Assistants have been welcoming the international students entering Japan since the Government had decided to open the borders, helping them check into their dormitories to acclimatize to their new environment and to provide an orientation for daily life in our International Dormitories and its community.
As the students settle down into their dormitories and get used to life in Japan, they are now attending their Global BBA courses in our Nisshin/Nagakute Campus, transcending all physical borders by connecting with their peers currently abroad through our brand new Hybrid Classrooms which seamless connect students on campus and online.
Residence Assistants
For our International Dormitories, designated Japanese students are undertaking the roles of Residence Assistants (RAs) to represent the International Dorms they live in and to become the bridge connecting international and Japanese students living there.
Capable of speaking both Japanese and English, with an aspiration to become boundary spanners, the RAs will provide support for the international students in the dormitories, holding networking and cultural activities and events, involving the students in the NUCB Community. This will provide the international students with opportunities to deepen their understanding of Japanese language and culture while fostering deeper and broader connections with their peers.
International Dormitories
We have dormitories where both Japanese and international students reside - fostering an international community both on and off-campus. At NUCB Undergraduate School, we consider living together with students from other cultural backgrounds to be a critical part of the international experience - students with diverse social, linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds, personalities and ways of thinking live in the dormitories.