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International Dormitories

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  5. Sagamine Dormitory Voice: Wang, China

Sagamine Dormitory Voice: Wang, China

#InternationalDormitories #InternationalHouse #Sagamine #StudentVoice

Mr. Wang, 2nd year student, College of Business Administration (from China)

Our university offers international dormitories where both Japanese and international students reside - fostering an international community both on and off-campus where students can develop independence, a sense of responsibility, and diverse values.

Each dormitory is conveniently located for academic and club activities, allowing students to enjoy a safe and comfortable student life. We interviewed Wang from China, an international student on our Japanese track who lives in Sagamine Dormitory No.1.

In addition to being the only school in Japan to offer a Global BBA taught fully in English, we also have a Japanese track for international students. Typically students come from Japanese language schools after obtaining the JLPT or EJU, and currently we have students enrolled from mainland China, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.


Before entering NUCB, I lived in Nagoya City, but I decided to move into the international dormitory for the convenience of getting to school. Now as a university student, the rhythm of my life is quite different as I have to prepare for classes, complete assignments, and study for qualifications. The dormitory provides a private and quiet space for me to concentrate on my studies, but also as students from all over the world live here it is easy to make friends and often we cook dinner together.


When I moved to the international dormitory, I was having trouble figuring out how to proceed with the complicated procedures necessary for living there, and the university staff kindly helped me. Also, I was concerned about my Japanese language skills, and when I asked the teachers what I didn't understand in class, they were always very polite and helpful. The support of the staff and teachers at NUCB has made my life as an international student much easier.

Full Scholarship Program

NUCB has a unique student dormitory scholarship system as one of its student support programs. The scholarship is available to all students regardless if they are applying from within Japan or overseas, students can enter the dormitory from as low as 10,000 yen per month.