We sat down with Bob from Hong Kong to learn about his experience so far on the Global BBA Program at NUCB after studying IB at Renaissance College.
Why did you choose Japan for your studies?
I wanted to study in Japan to immerse myself in a different and diverse culture. I also really wanted to indulge in how the Japanese are so pragmatic about business-related challenges, as well as their loyalty and dedication towards their work. Japanese work and service culture has been preached in many countries and is highly praised within my city. It is a quality that I would like to learn and acquire.
What do you think of the Case Study Method we use?
It allows me to work around the questions regarding the case in my own way instead of being conditioned to one answer, which also allows for my perspective of the case to be shown during case discussions in class.
I like that there is no right or wrong answer with how one perceives the case and it is very fair for everyone to share their perspectives towards it. I had a similar experience in Socratic Seminars in high school; a debate/discussion on a pressing topic where everyone does prior research and we are given time to speak and elaborate on other people’s points.
I think that Case Study Method goes a level beyond that because we have a very diverse batch of students across all ages and ethnicities, it really opens your eyes to what others think on case topics and it sparks even further critical analysis of the case itself.
What have been your favorite classes so far?
So far, my favorite teacher is Professor Anthony Townley. He taught me Law and the Environment as well as Business Law.
In both classes, the professor captured my attention and also kept the atmosphere of the classroom interesting. The professor also used many different mediums of information, like YouTube videos and visual aids to keep us captivated in the topic and to let us understand how the environment is from a visual perspective as well as analytically.
I did not expect myself to participate and be so energetic throughout the class especially that I am quite less informed about the environmental state in my home city, but after the first class i delved deep into research. It’s safe to say that the professor has made me care about a topic I previously had not much interest in.
How will the case method / NUCB network help you for your future
Through the Case Study Method I have found that it really pushes me to think outside of the box. In many ways, the case is a platform for free thinking and free speech.
In contrast to the high school conformities that we are used to, the Case Study Method helps me branch out of my comfort zone and consider various factors within the case questions and perhaps forecast or suggest a prediction to solutions to solve the case study.
I believe that the NUCB network in conjunction with the Case Method also pushes me to be more social with my peers as we strike multiple class discussions per week; in my case, it actively keeps me out of my comfort zone for a period of time, to share my thoughts to the class.