Student Support

Graduation Certificate

  1. TOP
  2. Support
  3. Certificate

Certificate Type and Issuance

Type of Certificate (as of April 2019)

Type of Certificate Issued For Application Destination Issuance Fee
Japanese English
Certificate of Enrollment Current student Educational Affairs 500 yen 2,000 yen
Official Transcript Current student Educational Affairs 500 yen 2,000 yen
Alumni 2,000 yen 3,000 yen
Certificate of Expected Graduation 4th grade students only Career Support Center 500 yen -
Certificate of Graduation Alumni Educational Affairs 2,000 yen 3,000 yen
Health Check Report Current Student Health Center 500 yen -
Student ID Re-issuance Current Student Student Affairs 2,000 yen -

Issuance of Various Certificate

Nisshin / Nagakute Campus

Please apply for the certificates at the counter according to the table above.

Nagoya Campus (BBA students only)

If you are a student at Nagoya Campus (BBA), please apply from the campus bulletin board and pay the fee to the administrative office at Nagoya Campus. The certificates will be issued one week after your payment.

Apply by mail

During summer vacation or any time that students are not able to enter the campus, the school accepts applications by mail (Nisshin / Nagakute campus only). Please clearly indicate your student ID, department, year of enrollment, year of study/graduation year (for alumni), date of birth, name, type and number of certificates. Please also include the application fee together with the return postage fee and send them to Nisshin / Nagakute Campus - Educational Affairs, by registered mail.

Return postage fee: 520 yen (flat fee)