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  7. Volume 2 (1958)

Volume 2 (1958)

Nagoya University of Commerce
table of contents
paper Type of costing Toki Masazo (1)
Some Remarks on Reversing Entries-As Problems of Accrual and Realization in Accounting- Tsunokuni Choshiro (13)
Problems of Fixed Cost Theory-Examination and Criticism of Schneider's Theory- Kengo Kobayashi (31)
Institutional Thinking in G. Goyder-The Future of Private Enterprise- Youichi Kakimi (45)
Schmallenbach "Bonus-based decentralized management and bureaucratic management" Takao Saito (69)
Sheldon's theory of managerial function differentiation Nishio Ichiro (83)
Forex nature and classification Yasushima Takeshi (107)
About semi-transitiveness, transitiveness and continuity in "realized preferences" Mizuno Shoichi (145)