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  6. 名古屋商科大学論集
  7. Volume 3 (1958)

Volume 3 (1958)

Nagoya University of Commerce
table of contents
paper Period income and cost calculation Toki Masazo (1)
Price fluctuations and depreciation issues Takao Saito (11)
G. Goder "A Consideration of the Responsible Company" -British Thinking Attitude- Youichi Kakimi (29)
Davis's Management Organization Theory Nishio Ichiro (57)
Transformation of the capitalist economy Segawa Jiro (83)
Modern thought change Chozaburo Ikeda (95)
Criticism of Oriental Thought-On Buddhism- Toru Makita (115)
Research on Sake Ochimoto Hisaya Ozaki (133)
Current state and problems of merchandise education Kiyotaro Mizoi (163)