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  6. 名古屋商科大学論集
  7. Volume 4 (1960)

Volume 4 (1960)

Nagoya University of Commerce
table of contents
Dedication Praise Yuichi Kurimoto ix
Sorrowful song Kawade Asumi xv
Part One Stresa and Tylea Sius Yoshimi Kudo (3)
Genealogy of green Heinrich Takeo Ito (37)
Fiction and facts Genma (67)
Nishitsuru's manuscripts and research on poster artists Hisaya Ozaki (75)
Warm Intellectual Aldus Haxle — Research Kikuchi Takenobu (103)
Lily Hunt's autobiography Ishiguro (125)
About Japanese in English vocabulary Kikuo Tanaka (151)
The second part Personality system integration theory Shozaburo Sakai (165)
Future of world history Chozaburo Ikeda (181)
The human and thought of "leaf shade" Riki Tomizo (203)
Jinna's view of the same product Kitagawa Hidenori (225)
The third part Stocks in the British Company Law Takeichi Haruo (245)
Sunagawa Penal Code Violation Case Unconstitutional Judgment Rei Osaki (269)
Sunagawa judgment doctrine Shuichi Hattori (287)
Part 4 Balance Sheet and Property Inventory Toki Masazo (301)
Broad sense productivity analysis Shinzo Nose (313)
Schmallenbach's theory of free economic relief Takao Saito (337)
Aim of retail merchandising Hideo Watanabe (355)
What the brand name means Kiyotaro Mizoi (381)
Criticism of the revision of the BOJ law Katsuo Ishigo (397)
A Study of Goider's "Joint Enterprise" Touching Foret's Theory Youichi Kakimi (409)
Divis' Management Organization Theory ... (continued) Nishio Ichiro (423)
Introduction to statistical ratio analysis Formal approach Koide Houji (449)
Part 5 3 / 4th century I've been walking Kawai Yuji (473)
Introduction of the author (527)