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  6. 名古屋商科大学論集
  7. Volume 17, No. 2 (October 1972)

Volume 17, No. 2 (October 1972)

Nagoya University of Commerce
table of contents
Research paper Examination of Return on Capital as Performance Indicator-Focusing on Business Unit Accounting- Hidehiko Tanahashi (1)
Establishment of freedom Taro Kano (twenty four)
Thoughts-About political distrust- Goto Kichigoro (37)
A Study on The Scarlet Letter Tashiro Masao (50)
Cost as the Basis of Price Calculation-A Study of Management Accounting Price Analysis- Satoshi Kobashi (67)
Effectiveness of Policy Mix-Focusing on RA Mandel's "International Economics"- Koji Inagaki (80)
Re-evaluation of Cantillon's trade theory Ken Yamakawa (96)
Neoclassical growth model by D. Hamburg Kazuo Ishibashi (107)