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  6. 名古屋商科大学論集
  7. Volume 20, No. 3 and 4 merged (March 1976)

Volume 20, No. 3 and 4 merged (March 1976)

Nagoya University of Commerce
table of contents
Research paper A study on decision-making model for environmental adaptation Nishio Ichiro (1)
What the Product Name Means-About Modified / Improved Chemical Fibers- Kiyotaro Mizoi (11)
A Study on the Formation of Marketing Theory (IV) -Focusing on the QOL-oriented relationship- Hideo Okada (twenty one)
Rethinking Cantillon's Trade Theory Ken Yamakawa (39)
Utility measurement-Overview and purpose of measurement- Hiroi Doi (53)
A Passage to India-Focusing on its composition- Takashi Iseki (69)
One View of Japanese Economy-Yabu Nirami Economics 12 lectures- Goto Kichigoro (85)