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  6. 名古屋商科大学論集
  7. Volume 21 merged with No. 1 and 2 (October 1976)

Volume 21 merged with No. 1 and 2 (October 1976)

Nagoya University of Commerce
table of contents
Research paper Center for Tomorrow President Yuichi Kurimoto (1)
A Field Study of the Technological Advancement in the Ceramic Industry in Central Japan Itaya Shigeru (3)
On the Development of the Concept of Organization in Germany-Focusing on F. Nordsieg's Theory of Organization- Nishio Ichiro (65)
Introducing the Center for International Studies (CFT) -From the perspective of foreign languages- Saichi Saichi (87)
Balance Sheet-European Companies Act Draft- Hiroshi Tsuya (93)
A Study on Management Participation-Focusing on West Germany- Ueda Eiji (105)
About comparison Araki Hideyoshi (119)
Criteria for effective competition Yukio Sato (133)
Empirical research on management factors and corporate performance Imaguchi Tadamasa (143)
<Overseas Communications> Trans-Siberian Journey and others John Pawson (160)
Congratulatory address for the establishment of the International Research Center John Pawson (159)
Christopher McCooey (175)
Maria Del Carmen Torres Garay (176)
Edmund Lee (176)
Steven Tripp (177)
Frederique Lepage (178)
Editor's note (181)