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  6. 名古屋商科大学論集
  7. Volume 24 No. 1 (July 1979)

Volume 24 No. 1 (July 1979)

Nagoya University of Commerce
table of contents
paper A Study of Organizational Behavior-Focusing on its Content Theory- Nishio Ichiro (1)
Economic Transfer Price Theory and Mathematical Transfer Price Theory-Focusing on the Market Price and Opportunity Cost Standards- Hidehiko Tanahashi (17)
A Study on the Formation of Marketing Theory (VII) -From the Relation to the Future of Economic Society- Hideo Okada (41)
Contemporary Corporate Theory-Focusing on its generation and development process- Ueda Eiji (55)
Group Decision-Pareto Optimum and Fairness by Social Utility Function- Hiroi Doi (69)
Independence of internal audit Yoshimasa Tomosugi (79)
Stability of neoclassical monetary growth model Kazuo Ishibashi (93)
A Note on Corporate Behavior under Price Uncertainty Yukio Sato (121)
Survey and research on job characteristics and motivation of factory B in ceramic industry Imaguchi Tadamasa (141)
Overseas research Present Situation and Problems of Small and Medium Industrial Development in Indonesia Tatsuyuki Ota (163)
Document Actual Conditions of Listed Products on National Commodity Exchanges (Supplemental Paper) Kiyotaro Mizoi (189)