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  6. 名古屋商科大学論集
  7. Volume 25 No. 2 (March 1981)

Volume 25 No. 2 (March 1981)

Nagoya University of Commerce
table of contents
Research paper A Study on Japanese Management-Focusing on SMEs- Ueda Eiji (1)
Economic Interdependence and World Consciousness-Focusing on International Finance- Ken Yamakawa (17)
Evaluation of Overseas Investment Behavior-Case Study of N Company by Multi-attribute Value Function- Hiroi Doi (37)
The rise of audit committee audits Yoshimasa Tomosugi (61)
Research notes Internal and external equilibrium logic and world consciousness Ken Yamakawa (81)
Research paper Luster Yuichi Kito (93)
On the syntax of "There is ..." Araki Hideyoshi (107)
"A Study on the Paradox of Simple Voting" Yukio Tanaka (127)