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International Dormitories

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  5. Sanbongi Dormitory Voice: Jessica, India

Sanbongi Dormitory Voice: Jessica, India

#InternationalDormitories #InternationalHouse #Sanbongi #StudentVoice

Jessica, 2nd year Global BBA (from India)

Our university offers international dormitories where both Japanese and international students reside - fostering an international community both on and off-campus where students can develop independence, a sense of responsibility, and diverse values.

Each dormitory is conveniently located for academic and club activities, allowing students to enjoy a safe and comfortable student life. We interviewed Jessica, an international student who studied most of her life in Sharjah in the UAE. She currently lives in the all female international dormitory - Sanbongi.

Learning through the Language Exchange Program

I decided to enroll in NUCB because I was attracted to the case method of teaching, which allows students to actively participate in class. Another deciding factor was that Aichi Prefecture is located in the middle of Japan and is easily accessible to Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto.

After entering the school, I wanted to learn Japanese, so I joined the Language Exchange Program Online. I learned not only the Japanese language but also Japanese culture and many other things from the friends I met there. I was very happy when I could actually meet them when I came to Japan, and now we meet and talk at Sora Cafe after class.

Commuting to school by bus

Sambongi Dormitory is very close to the Nisshin campus and Komenoki Station, making it very convenient to commute to school. I usually use the bus to get to school and sometimes walk. On weekdays, I get up early in the morning to do case preparation and assignments, and on weekends I go out with friends or go shopping. At first it was difficult living alone for the first time, but now I am able to lead an independent life and enjoy my student life.

Unique Scholarship Program

NUCB has a unique student dormitory scholarship system as one of its student support programs. The scholarship is available to all students regardless if they are applying from within Japan or overseas, students can enter the dormitory from as low as 10,000 yen per month.