We are joined today by Duaa, who joined the Global BBA Program in Spring 2023 after transferring to the second year from the University Of The South Pacific, Solomon Islands. Studying in NUCB's multicultural environment has provided opportunities to expand her mindset and socialize with peers. The case method teaching approach has allowed for flexibility in formulating her own perspectives and honing essential skills.
What attracted you to Japan and NUCB?
My desire to study in Japan was inspired by my father, who had previously lived and studied there. His high regard for the experience motivated me to consider Japan for higher education, taking into account the country's educational quality, cultural environment, and safety aspects. The primary factor for choosing NUCB, however, was the Active Learning Method. This education system places a strong emphasis on the practical application of knowledge, providing opportunities for both learning and personal growth simultaneously.
Having recently joined the Global BBA Program, have you found the adjustment easy?
To my surprise, I have found the adjustment quite easy. Initially, I was apprehensive about keeping up, especially as a transfer student. However, I discovered that there are a multitude of learning opportunities available. By conducting relevant research and maintaining the right mindset, I am able to both contribute to and learn from the GBBA program.
What has been one of your favorite classes so far and why?
I am thoroughly enjoying the Business Model Design course due to its practical approach. The case studies encourage a creative mindset, allowing for the analysis of various business models and the development of improvement methods, emphasizing the importance of entrepreneurial thinking. The professor fosters a comfortable and expressive classroom atmosphere. Utilizing resources such as visual media and inviting guest speakers with established backgrounds captures attention and creates an engaging, innovative learning environment.
How do you think you will benefit from the case method teaching approach at NUCB?
The practical application of the case study method proves to be both promising and effective, as it allows for a multitude of potential solutions. The lessons' premise acknowledges that there is often no single right or wrong answer, creating a comfortable environment for voicing opinions without fear of criticism, as each opinion holds some value. I don't feel restricted to a specific viewpoint when interpreting the given information, which enables flexibility in not only examining the cases but also in formulating my own perspectives through research and deductive analysis.
What are some of the differences and similarities between places you have lived and Japan?
One of the most notable differences I've observed between Japan and the places I've lived before is their unwavering commitment to cleanliness in all aspects. This reflects a strong sense of nationalism, extending even to the smallest details, such as their focus on making things as convenient as possible for the greatest number of people.
From a cultural and educational standpoint, there are striking similarities in the emphasis on teaching and instilling, from a very young age, the importance of hard work and, most importantly, the value placed on respecting elders. This notion is prevalent in both my home country's culture and in Japan.