Today we are joined by Deano, a 3rd year Global BBA student who has chosen to go on an international exchange with our partner school Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) in the Netherlands.
NUCB has over 100 exchange partners where students can gain credits for graduation. At our university we have a special agreement in place where our students do not have to pay any extra tuition to study abroad, which in some cases, can be as much as 4 times the price. Let’s find out more why Deano decided to go on exchange.
Why did you choose Japan and NUCB to further your studies?
Knowing that Japan is a safe country made it a lot easier for me to convince my parents to let me study abroad. My family also loves Japan and we often travelled together to visit. I have lived my whole life in the busy city of Jakarta, and knowing that I could live in a quieter environment was certainly attractive to me. I wanted to be exposed to something outside of my comfort zone so I could grow as a person and learn from different cultures and environments.
I was very impressed by the accreditations of NUCB and was intrigued to study with the Case Method. I previously visited South Korea as a high school student for the Harvard Model United Nations and that was my first exposure to the active learning environment, strongly debating hot topics.
You completed the IB Diploma at an international high school in Indonesia, did that help you adapt to the Global BBA Program at NUCB?
I believe that the IB taught me to work under pressure without being overly stressed. I gained organizational skills which are imperative for NUCB as we often have multiple things on at the same time. Writing high level reports such as the Extended Essay (EE) also helped me with the case method, being able to dissect information quickly and then write reports quickly has definitely given me an edge over my peers.
Why did you choose to go to the Netherlands on an Exchange Program?
Actually, I made a pact with my sister that we would both study in Japan together. She is one year younger than me, but during her last year of high school she changed her mind and ended up going to the Netherlands instead! I also wanted to learn more about European culture and expand my network, so I was excited for the opportunity to exchange with RSM Erasmus University.
What have been the benefits of the program, what have you learned?
The program is very different from NUCB. Firstly, the class size. At NUCB the average class size is 35, but at RSM some classes have more than 1,000 students. Therefore, there is a lot of group work and our grades are mainly determined by exams rather than participation.
There are also recordings of lectures that we must watch. Since I have been using the case method at NUCB I have been able to apply real life knowledge to the theory being taught at RSM which has allowed me to really deepen my learning.
Although I am sad that I cannot visit Rotterdam in person due to COVID-19, I must say that there are some benefits to studying online. Firstly, the time I have saved by not commuting has allowed me to focus and my grades have drastically improved compared to on-campus.
Also, classes for RSM are typically from Wednesday to Friday, so I have days free which has allowed me to work on my final case study for NUCB. Also I have made lots of new friends, and we often meet via Zoom for virtual events, or talk on WhatsApp.
What class have you liked the most on exchange?
Corporate Finance has taught me a lot, but so far I have enjoyed the “RSM Entrepreneurship Challenge”. Our team has been challenged to come up with an innovative business idea, that after validation could be brought to market. We are working on a platform called “Helpeers” - helping low income individuals gain access to legal consultation.
What are your future plans?
Currently I am studying for the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) as I want to go to NUCB Graduate School of Management for their MSc Program.