
Academic Programs


BSc in Management

  1. TOP
  2. 学部学科
  3. 経営学部
  4. 教員紹介
  5. 柳 蕙琳

Hyelim You

経営学部 准教授

柳 蕙琳


韓国慶熙大学社会科学部卒業。2010年日本文部科学省奨学金で来日し、京都大学にて修士課程、博士後期課程を修了(博士(法学))。その後、2016年4月から2018年3月まで同大学で助教を務めた。現在は名古屋商科大学経営学部専任講師。主な研究テーマはFTA(Free Trade Agreement)政策の制度分析、WTO(World Trade Organization)とFTAの制度関係、政治指導者のリーダーシップ構造と制度の関連性、制度変化と制度の内生性など。

Research Interests


Final Education

博士(法学), 京都大学

Academic Papers

  • You Hyelim (2023) Analysis of Radioactive Material Damage in the Event of a Major Accident at Nuclear Power Plants in Japan, China, and South Korea - Estimated by the HYSPLIT Model. The Meijo review 24 (1・2)
  • You Hyelim (2020) Nuclear Risk in East Asia and Nuclear Safety System - in the Comparison with Europe. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 13 (2) :1882-3742
  • You Hyelim (2020) Third Country Market Cooperation Analysis for Building an Asian Low-Carbon Community - A Case Study of India's High-Efficiency Coal-Fired Power Generation Project. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 13 (2) :1882-3742


  • (2021) The Construction of Nuclear Safety Cooperation System in East Asia - Based on Analysis of Nuclear Risk. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Co-researcher
  • (2019) Analysis on Political Influence of Agricultural Gruops and FTA Policy Results - through the Comparison between Japan and Korea. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Primary Researcher

Book & Case Publishing

  • Soocheol Lee, Weisheng Zhou, Kiyoshi Fujikawa (2023) Nuclear Power Safety and Governance in East Asia. Routledge