
Academic Programs

国際学部 英米学科

BA in International Studies

  1. TOP
  2. 学部学科
  3. 国際学部
  4. 英米学科
  5. カリキュラム



The main objective of this course is to provide more opportunities for students to learn and train how to communicate in English, especially those interested in taking NUCB’s Global Leadership Programme (GLP) and engaging in academic discussion. This objective is to be accomplished through student learning of the following sub-objectives:
language necessary to access academic concepts and skills related to content of the GLP such that students can discuss it
selected vocabulary from Coxhead’s Academic Word List that is linked to the GLP
language arising from direct participation in student-centred discussion tasks that involve active interaction and critical thinking
formal spoken register common to academic discussion
pronunciation necessary to make academic discussion in English more comprehensible and natural
body language and gestures necessary to make academic discussion in English more comprehensible and natural thus breaking down cross-cultural barriers
language learning strategies that foster learner autonomy and interpersonal skills
various interaction patterns that make discussion more dynamic and authentic [e.g., pair work, group work, a debate, a poster session, a dialectic, panel discussion(s) and a symposium]
The course content focuses on GLP-related discussion topics and, in connection with the sub-objectives above, has been designed to provide students with valuable discussion skills that will help them progress towards formal academic study in English where the language stands as a prominent international medium in business and education.

In addition to the above, students will be guided towards achieving the following goals:

LG I The acquisition of general thinking skills by integrating theory and practice
LG II The acquisition of relevant communication competence
LG III The learning of how to use information technology effectively
LG IV The acquisition of internationally relevant competences and thinking skills


  • LG-1 Critical thinking for frontier spirit(批判的思考)
  • LG-2 Diversity awareness(多様性の意識)
  • LG-3 Business ethics and sustainability(企業倫理と持続可能性)
  • LG-4 Analytical decision making skills(分析的意思決定)
  • LG-5 Effective communication skills(効果的なコミュニケーション)
  • LG-6 New-asian business perspective(ニューアジアでのビジネス展開力)