Jiro Hodoshima
経済学部 教授
学歴:早稲田大学(経済学士、工学士)、一橋大学(経済学修士)、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(Ph.D. in Economics)
職歴:Center for Operations Research and Econometrics 研究員(ルーバンカトリック大学(ベルギー))、南山大学経済学部講師助教授、名古屋市立大学大学院経済学研究科教授を経て2016年4月より現職。これまでカリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校、ルーバンカトリック大学、一橋大学、University of Technology Sydney、 Singapore Management University、Chiang Mai Universityなどの客員研究員および客員教授を経験した。専門は、計量経済学、ファイナンス、統計学で、これまでJournal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Econometrics, Econometric Theory, Financial Analysts Journal, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Controlなどの国際専門雑誌に論文を掲載してきた。
Research Interests
Final Education
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Academic Papers
- Jiro Hodoshima (2024) Comparative Performance of Cryptocurrencies through the Aumann-Serrano Economic Index of Riskiness. Annals of Operations Reseach
- Jiro Hodoshima (2023) The Aumann-Serrano performance index of DOW 30 components and Dow Jones Industrial Average before and after the global financial crisis. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics
- Jiro Hodoshima (2022) Utility indifference pricing and mean-variance approach when the degree of risk aversion is small. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics
- Jiro Hodoshima (2022) Temporal aggregation of the Aumann-Serrano and Foster-Hart performance indexes. International Review of Financial Analysis
- Jiro Hodoshima (2021) Comparing dynamic and static performance indexes in the stock market: Evidence from Japan. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
- Jiro Hodoshima (2021) Sensitivity of Performance Indexes to Disaster Risk. Risks
- Jiro Hodoshima (2020) The Aumann--Serrano Performance Index for Multi-Period Gambles in Stock Data. Journal of Risk and Financial Management
- Jiro Hodoshima (2020) The Computational Property of the Aumann-Serrano Performance Index Under Risk-Averse and Risk-Loving Preference. Finance Research Letters
- Jiro Hodoshima (2020) Evaluation of Performance of Stock and Real Estate Investment Trust Markets in Japan. Empirical Economics
- Jiro Hodoshima (2020) Utility Indifference Pricing and the Aumann-Serrano Performance Index. Journal of mathematical economics 86
- Jiro Hodoshima (2019) Stock performance evaluation incorporating high moments and disaster risk: Evidence from Japan. Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
- Jiro Hodoshima (2019) Evaluation by the Aumann and Serrano Performance Index and Sharpe Ratio: Bitcoin Performance. Applied Economics
- Jiro Hodoshima (2019) Stock performance by utility indifference pricing and the Sharpe ratio. Quantitative Finance 19 (2)
- (2022) Theory and applications of performance measures. JSPS Primary Researcher