Stuart Warrington
国際学部 教授
Stuart Warrington has over 19 years of experience teaching EFL, ESL, EAP, ESP and EIL/ELF to mostly university students. He has taught in Japanese universities in Tokyo and Niigata-ken and in English language institutes in Seoul, South Korea and Calgary, Canada. His research interests and areas of expertise lie in Professionalism, Professionalization and Professional Development in English Language Teaching and Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). Stuart holds a B.A. in Psychology (University of Manitoba), a Certificate in TESOL (Canadian Global TESOL Training Institute), a Master of Education in TESL (University of Calgary), a TESL Professional Certificate - Standard 3 (TESL Canada Federation) and a Doctorate of Education in TESOL (University of Exeter). He has published papers in the field, presented at a number of conferences, and is a founding member of English Scholars Beyond Borders (ESBB), a small but growing non-profit group of international English language teaching fellows.
Conference Presentations:
Warrington, S.D (2015, June). Enhancing the language learning dynamics of a self-access centre: Bringing mobile assisted language learning to Japanese university students. Paper presented at the 5th National JALTCALL Conference, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Fukuoka –ken, Japan.
Warrington, S.D (2014, November). Collegiality in the ELT workplace: A question of quality of relationships. Paper presented at the 40th JALT International Conference, Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki-ken, Japan.
Warrington, S.D (2014, October). Curriculum-transmission as a professional development inhibitor. Paper presented at the 21st KOTESOL International Conference, COEX Convention & Exhibition Center , Seoul, South Korea.
Warrington, S.D (2014, September). The unqualified native English speaker: Why qualified native English speaking teachers should also be concerned. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Native-Speakerism, Saga University, Saga, Japan.
Warrington, S.D (2012, May). Exploring the construal of membership in professional English language teaching associations: A Japanese perspective. Paper presented at the Annual Staff Student Research Conference 2012, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
Warrington, S.D. (2011, May). Non-native English speaking teachers’ practical knowledge in a graduate TESOL programme: Representation & Ideas for inclusion. Paper presented at the Annual Staff Student Research Conference 2011, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
Warrington, S.D. & Welles, M.T. (2008, October). The lexical modification of teachers' instructions: Perceptions vs. reality. Paper presented at the16th Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (KOTESOL) International Conference, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea.
Warrington, S.D. & Ilic, P. (2008, July). Assessing and measuring native English language teachers’ priorities for professional development. Paper presented at the 43rd Korea Association for Teachers of English Conference, Bukyong National University, Busan, South Korea.
Warrington, S.D. (2008, June). ‘Loan word affixation’: A key for recognizing English to develop classroom-based language. Paper presented at the 1st Chubu Region JACET / JALT Joint Conference, Chukyo University, Nagoya, Japan.
Ilic, P. & Warrington, S.D. (2008, April). Assessing and measuring Japanese English language teachers’ priorities for professional development. Paper presented at the 4th Asian EFL Journal Conference, The Grand Hotel Haeundae, Busan, South Korea.
Warrington, S.D. & Ilic, P. (2008, March). Assessing and measuring the professional development of language teachers. Paper presented at the 1st East Asian Symposium on Teacher Education Research, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan.
Ilic, P. & Warrington, S.D. (2007, October). Evolvement of the Annual Activities Survey for Language Teachers. Paper presented at the 15th Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (KOTESOL) International Conference, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea.
Warrington, S.D. & Ilic, P. (2007, July). The Annual Activities Survey for Language Teachers: Application in action. Paper presented at the 42nd Korea Association for Teachers of English Conference, Gyeongin National University of Education, Seoul, South Korea.
Ilic, P. & Warrington, S.D. (2007, May). Pre-testing the Annual Activities Survey for Language Teachers (AASLT). Paper presented at the 1st Global EIL Congress, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea.
Warrington, S.D. & Ilic, P. (2006, October). The Annual Activities Survey for Language Teachers (AASLT): An administration tool for evaluating teaching staff. Paper presented at the 14th Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (KOTESOL) International Conference, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea.
Warrington, S.D. (2006, June). Recognizing, choosing and applying text types. Paper presented at an in-house seminar at the Center for English Language Education, Asia University, Tokyo, Japan.
Research Interests
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Professionalism & Professional Development in English Language Teaching, CALL / MALL
Final Education
Ed.D., University of Exeter
Awards & Honours
- (2024) Outstanding Teaching Award 2023. Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Undergraduate School
- (2023) Teaching Award 2022, Undergraduate. Kurimoto Educational Institute
- (2022) Teaching Award 2021, Undergradiate. Kurimoto Educational Institute
- (2021) Teaching Award 2020, Undergraduate. Kurimoto Educational Institute
- (2020) Best of JALT 2019 Award. Hokkaido Chapter, Japan Association for Language Teaching
- (2019) Teaching Award 2018, Undergraduate. Kurimoto Educational Institute
Academic Papers
- Stuart Warrington (2024) Autonomous learning in Cambodia: A solution for problematic educational conditions?. Cambodian Journal of Educational Research 4 (2) :3005-2149 (Online) / 3006-290X (Print)
- Stuart Warrington (2022) Exploring Student Perceptions of Self-Access Learning for Active Learning: A Case Study. SiSAL Journal (Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal) 13 (1) :2185-3762
- Stuart Warrington (2020) Looking in, Looking out: Autoethnographically Applying a Model for Learning Advisor Autonomy. JASAL Journal 1 (1) :2435-3884
- Stuart Warrington (2020) Have a Look Around: The Effect of a ‘Push’ Activity on Future SAS Use. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal 11 (1) :2185-3762