
Academic Programs


BSc in Management

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  5. 椿田 貴史

Takashi Tsubakita

経営学部 教授

椿田 貴史


京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科博士課程修了。人間・環境学博士。京都中央看護専門学校非常勤講師を経て、2002年より名古屋商科大学にて任務。現在は、名古屋商科大学経営学部教授。臨床・教育心理学を専門とする。臨床心理士。主な著書に『精神分析技法の基礎 ラカン派臨床の実際』, 誠信書房, 201211(共訳)がある。

Research Interests


Final Education

博士(人間・環境学), 京都大学

Awards & Honours

  • (2019) Encouraging prize. The Development Engineering Society of Japan

Academic Papers

  • Takashi Tsubakita (2022) Climate anxiety, wellbeing and pro-environmental action: correlates of negative emotional responses to climate change in 32 countries. Journal of Environmental Psychology 84
  • Takashi Tsubakita (2022) Comparison of the inter-item correlations of the Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10) between Western and non-Western contexts. Personality and Individual Differences 196
  • Takashi Tsubakita (2021) Pollution-Aware Walking in 16 Countries: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). Journal of Transport & Health 22
  • Takashi Tsubakita (2021) Alcohol-impaired Walking in 16 Countries: A Theory-Based Investigation. Accident Analysis & Prevention (159) :0001-4575
  • Takashi Tsubakita (2021) Negative emotions about climate change are related to insomnia symptoms and mental health: Cross-sectional evidence from 25 countries. Current psychology
  • Takashi Tsubakita (2020) Utilizing the Intellectual Heritage of the General Education(12). Journal of Japan Association for College and University Education 42 (2)
  • Takashi Tsubakita (2020) Assessing Knowledge-Based and Perceived Health Literacy Among Japanese Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study. Global Pediatric Health 7
  • Takashi Tsubakita (2019) Effectiveness of non-expert idea creation activities for product development. Development Engineering 39 (1)


  • (2020) Development of the care-literacy scale for technical interns for nursing home. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Primary Researcher

Book & Case Publishing

  • Junich Nishimura & Mari Hirano (2019) Psychology of Lifelong Development. Nakanishiya Publishing