
教員 & 研究

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Vol.3 No.1(October. 1996)

Journal of Communication and International Studies
Language Learningand Teaching Literature in the Language Classroom: A Preliminary Perspective David M. Bell (1)
The Natural Approach: Teaching Indonesian as a Foreign Language Stephanus Djawanai (13)
The Operation of Rendaku in Japanese Specifically Language-Impaired: A Preliminary Ivestigation Suzy E. Fukuda (23)
Computer-Assisted Vocabulary Instruction: An Application of L2 Lexical Research to Computer-Based Reading Materials Philip Goertzen (41)
A Study of the Teaching of Pronunciation Skills in Vietnamese (in Vietnamese) Le thi Minh Hang (51)
Computers and Classroom Culture: Designing a Course to Test Theory Bryn Holmes (59)
ASEAN Company Profiles-Creating a Resource for EBT Course Design Rosemary Khoo (69)
The Use of Monolingual Lexical Resources to Assist Second Language Acquisition in the Classroom Jonathan Levy (81)
To Teach or Not to Teach-That is Not the Question Elka Todeva (91)
Language andLiterature Notes on Stalking the Wild African Ideophone William Acton (103)
Nathaniel Brassey Halhed and the Discourse of Empire: A Postcolonial Analysis of The Code of Gentoo Laws (1776) Nalini Jain (109)
When Subject is Object: Yukio Mishima's The Temple of the Golden Pavilion as Japanese Discourse George Watt (119)
Forged Rarities in the 19th Century English Literature Rare Book Collection at Nagoya Shoka Daigaku Debra D. Wynn (133)
Japanese and Thai Conditional Expressions (in Japanese) Saowaree Wattanachongkon (139)
The Influence of Chinese Characters on Japanese Students of the Chinese Language (in Japanese) Lu Baoyuan (157)
Remnant Projection Raising and Word Order Takashi Nakajima (165)