
Academic Programs

国際学部 英米学科

BA in International Studies

  1. TOP
  2. 学部学科
  3. 国際学部
  4. 英米学科
  5. カリキュラム



Learning Goal I Acquisition of relevant communication competence
This course is designed to help students improve their English communication skills through the use of a variety of dramatic tasks including, improvisation, role-play and script-writing. It aims to increase students’ language fluency, confidence, and interactional skills within an exploratory and enjoyable atmosphere. In groups and pairs, and through a variety of imaginary and authentic situations, students will learn such skills as characterization, emotional/ facial expression, voice projection and physical communication.

Learning Goal II Acquisition of general thinking skills by integrating theory and practice
The course also seeks to improve students’ critical thinking skills in order to reflect on experience and formulate opinions creatively and successfully.

Learning Goal III Acquisition of internationally relevant competences and thinking skills
Students will engage with a number of practical activities in simulated international settings, that will give them the experience of interacting with other cultures. They will engage in culturally appropriate language and actively develop strategies for working in culturally diverse situations. This will allow them to realize the university mission - giving them an international perspective, so that they can participate and contribute positively in a global society.

Learning Goal IV Learning how to use information technology effectively
Students will be involved in independent study and research using internet searches and electronic sources. They will be expected to complete tasks outside of the classroom independently or in small groups.


  • LG-1 Critical thinking for frontier spirit(批判的思考)
  • LG-2 Diversity awareness(多様性の意識)
  • LG-3 Business ethics and sustainability(企業倫理と持続可能性)
  • LG-4 Analytical decision making skills(分析的意思決定)
  • LG-5 Effective communication skills(効果的なコミュニケーション)
  • LG-6 New-asian business perspective(ニューアジアでのビジネス展開力)