
Academic Programs

国際学部 英米学科

BA in International Studies

  1. TOP
  2. 学部学科
  3. 国際学部
  4. 英米学科
  5. 科目紹介




Niculina Nae

Niculina Nae 教授

Niculina Nae 教授

This seminar is the beginning of an important relationship between the teacher and the students in terms of overall guidance and personal self-development toward graduation and into the workplace.
It is designed to provide students with practical research, study and workplace/employability skills. It is an interactive course where students are expected to participate and to contribute to the class.
Students are also required to work well in teams and to share knowledge and ideas with each other. Each student is also required to complete all assignments related to the development of their graduation thesis/project, their portfolio folder and other assignments at the discretion of the instructor.