

Academic Programs

国際学部 国際学科

BA in International Studies



This course is designed to prepare students for TOEIC. The main aim of the course is to develop students’ communication skills in English so that they will be able to participate effectively in global business environment.

Learning goals include:
LG I - Acquisition of general thinking skills by integrating theory and practice;
LG II -Acquisition of relevant communication competence; and
LG IV -Acquisition of internationally relevant competences and thinking skills.

The course content covers the seven sections of TOEIC including practice test questions, useful grammar points, vocabulary, and test-taking strategies.

Students who actively participate in the course are expected to:
-build their TOEIC vocabulary,
-improve listening skills for TOEIC,
-improve reading skills for TOEIC,
-learn grammar points frequently tested on TOEIC,
-learn TOEIC test-taking strategies,
-increase their TOEIC scores, and
-develop their communications skills in English.


  • LG-1 Critical thinking for frontier spirit(批判的思考)
  • LG-2 Diversity awareness(多様性の意識)
  • LG-3 Business ethics and sustainability(企業倫理と持続可能性)
  • LG-4 Analytical decision making skills(分析的意思決定)
  • LG-5 Effective communication skills(効果的なコミュニケーション)
  • LG-6 New-asian business perspective(ニューアジアでのビジネス展開力)