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  5. 名古屋商科大学
  6. NUCB Journal of Language, Culture and Communication
  7. Vol. 5 No.2

Vol. 5 No.2

種別 章番号 タイトル 著者
CulturalStudies The Politics of Speech Act Theory Chris Hepple
CulturalStudies 国民国家による「少数民族」の創出過程 - タイにおける山地民博物館の展示から - Representation of State and Ethnic Minority in the Hilltribe Museums of Northern Thailand Kayoko Ishii
CulturalStudies Asian Literacies Michael Kindler
CulturalStudies What They Want : The Transformation of Self and Its Reflection in Japanese Women’s Magazines Niculina Nae
CulturalStudies Universal Value Concepts and Paradigms of Culture Stuart D. B. Picken
CulturalStudies Japanese Attitudes to English: Towards an Explanation of Poor Performance Matthew Reesor
CulturalStudies 言語と文化的背景 - 言葉から見た中、日文化 - Language and Its Cultural Context: China and Japan Compared Hui Wang
CulturalStudies From History to Historical Romance: Xia Imagery in the Late Han Era Jian Zhao
Issues in Pedagogy Planning and L2 Writing Accuracy Deborah Fitzpatrick
Issues in Pedagogy Attitudes to Language Learning: A Case Study Madoka Mimura, Bruce Monk and Ken Ozawa
Issues in Pedagogy Integration of the SAC and the Chinese Program: Expanding Time and Space in Teaching and Learning PingPing Zhu Lincoln
Issues in Pedagogy Everyone’s a Native Speaker ! Promoting Language Awareness in the Classroom Deryn P. Verity
Reviews of Books Roger J. Davies & Osamu Ikeno (Eds.), The Japanese Mind : Understanding Contemporary Japanese Culture Joseph Sheehan
Reviews of Books Matthew Serbin Pittinsky (Ed.), The Wired Tower: Perspectives on the Impact of the Internet on Higher Education Michael Thomas