クロアチア ザグレブ経済経営大学への交換留学
- 海外留学
- 参加者体験談
Global BBA2年の森蔵人さんはこの2月から交換留学プログラムに参加しています。美しいアドリア海で知られるクロアチアの首都ザグレブにある、ザグレブ経済経営大学で留学生活が始まりました。交換留学への参加を...

Exchange Program
First are the classes and the program is really beneficial for creating the skills and technics that I would need for the Global Business that I would like to continue my career in. For example the presentation skills or analytical writing skills, also creative thinking. These are the capability that every person that would like to have a career in an international business need. And I believe that, thanks to this program we can really elaborate on those technics, on those practices. It is very very beneficial for every person that would like to pursue the career in the international business.
For me the most useful and impressive class was “Intercultural Business Communication” class. Firstly because I had never had chance before to study intercultural communication which I believe is a base right now to do a globalization and people would need those skills to successfully pursue their business. So first of all it was the content of the class that I found very useful but also the approach of the professor. Because we had not only the theoretical base for the class, but also a psychometric test and for me it was very surprising because it was the first time I did the test on my personality but it enabled me to discover more about my personality as a future leader. And the teacher also helped us to analyze the results and also shared a lot about her personal experience. Because she now is living in the second country so she, as a person, individual, has a lot of experience that she could share with us. Business experience as well as individual experience. What's more, I think the very benefitial thing about this class was that the professor asked us to write a journa every day starting from the very beginning of the class until the end. And it was a great comparison because it was just the beginning of our trip and stay in Nagoya so we could discover a lot about our feelings and emotions due to the culture shocks, due to all the requirements we have to fulfill in the beginning of the school, stay. So, it gave us a lot in order how to analyze our feelings and emotions and I that's important for future leaders because we will be in different situations that we have to adopt and this professor gave us this unique opportunities to keep the journal afterwards and to remember about our feelings and to analyze it better in the future.