クロアチア ザグレブ経済経営大学への交換留学
- 海外留学
- 参加者体験談
Global BBA2年の森蔵人さんはこの2月から交換留学プログラムに参加しています。美しいアドリア海で知られるクロアチアの首都ザグレブにある、ザグレブ経済経営大学で留学生活が始まりました。交換留学への参加を...

Exchange Program
My main objective is really to understand the Eastern mentality in terms of business and management. I want to be a global, strategic consultant one day and in order for me to do that I feel like I need to understand multiple levels of just not only cultures but just mind frames in terms of how they approach in business, I've had experience in Europe and South America and I feel those ideas are very Western and I wanted to come to Japan because it has an Eastern mentality and it's already a very advanced culture so it's very set in terms of management style so I wanted to be able to get that perspective.
It's different teaching, Japanese style and Western style. Japanese style, we learn from the experience of our professors and they've usually gone out in there in the industries and worked for a while and come back teaching later on and I think that's really beneficial because it's more tactical and practical in their style of teaching. And in Western it sometimes tends to be theory based and not necessarily set on experience so I really enjoy that.
If you wanted to come to here at NUCB, I would analyse what I want to do in the future market I think it's really important that you know where you see yourself and how you want to get there. And the good thing about NUCB is it's global but is's also very specific. I think it has its strength in catering to people that want to eventually come and work into the Japanese market which I wanted to do myself so if that's something that you definitely see yourself doing later on I think it would be a perfect school for you.
My favourite professor is being Professor Nagasawa, I really appreciate his class he teaches International Entrepreneurship and that's something that I hope to do one day. I want to definitely be an entrepreneur. I loved that he talks to them his own experience and he tells you what he's gone through. He's founded I think seven companies and so it's really inspiring to meet someone that has already been through what you want to go through and is willing to guide you and tell you these are challenges that you are going to have to run, these are toss you are going to have to do but don't worry you'll get there, I got there. So I found that really inspiring.