<留学生紹介>Goethe University Frankfurt am Main出身 リリアン ティンタリさん
- 海外留学
- 参加者体験談
モルドバ出身でドイツのGoethe Universityから来ましたリリアン ティンタリです。経営学を専攻し、今回が2回目の交換留学です。NUCBは日本への数少ない交換留学先の中で、大学ランキングが高く立地も良いので、最...
Exchange Program
It has now been 1 month that I have been at The Chinese University of
Hong Kong ( CUHK ) so I have already learned various things about CUHK and
Hong Kong. First of all, I became aware of my English skills. Although I’m
sharing my room with a Hong Kong student and talk very often with my
roommate, I’m not able to talk with her fluently. In order to talk more with her
and other students, I’m studying English seriously. I think I’m able to learn
English well but it’s not very easy to talk. I understood I could also learn English by simply talking with my friends so I think I enjoy talking with my friends.
Second, I became aware of the differences between classes in Japan and classes in Hong Kong. In class, we have numerous opportunities to speak
English so I follow everything carefully. I always learn something new and the
class loads are heavy but I will do my best by studying hard. I have been in
Hong Kong for one month now so I want to keep studying seriously for the
remaining time and I would keep writing about my experiences here. Thank you
so much for reading!