- 海外留学
- 参加者体験談

Language Program
This week, I started working on my final project. Being in a pair, we chose
“Eating Manners” as our theme. We have to make a survey with 8 questions.
To conduct the survey, I sent a message to many people. For example, they
were my friends from America or friends from when I joined the international
volunteer program.
When I told them: “I have to do a survey for my final project at university, could
you please help me?”, everyone said: “Sure! Of course! I can help you!”. In
addition, my previous host mother said: “Of course! Anything for you, my
Japanese daughter!”. It made me really happy as everyone is kind and nobody
refused to help. Thanks to them, I have got 28 answers now.
For next Friday, we have to make a chart and present our results. So, I have to
do my best for all the people who cooperated! I want to make the best
presentation so I will work hard for the last week!