FSPカナダでQueen’s School of Englishに語学留学
- 海外留学
- 参加者体験談
国際学部2年生の長谷川さんは、今年の9月からカナダのQueen's School of Englishで語学留学をしています。長谷川さんは、なぜフロンティア・スピリット・プログラム(カナダ)に参加を決意したのか、そして現在ど...
Language Program
This summer I went to Germany to take part in international volunteer for three weeks. Our works were to prepare for Gospel Festival and Youth Festival such as washing dishes and pitching tents. It was not easy because during this time we had some problems however, we discussed for solving them by sharing each opinions and feelings. Now they are my good friends who are from Lithuania, Germany, Korea, and Armenia. Thanks to this volunteer I learned important things, to share the responsibility for our works and to treat other countries people with consideration.